Launched by Rape Crisis Scotland and the Scottish Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill, this campaign uses striking imagery to challenge women-blaming attitudes toward rape and to tackle the assumptions people make about women who are raped.
Although incidents of rape recorded by the police in Scotland have decreased slightly to 908 in 2007/08, only 2.9 percent of rapes currently lead to conviction. The attitudes of society continue to play a significant role in limiting justice for women who have experienced rape with careless judgments made based on style of dress, behavior and alcohol intake. Current research shows that a staggering 27 percent of Scots believe that women who are dressed in revealing clothing are at least partly responsible for being raped; a further 24 percent believe a woman was in some way responsible for being raped if she was drunk; almost 29 percent think the woman contributed to her rape if she was flirting; and another 15 percent believe a woman is responsible for being raped if she’s had multiple sexual partners. These myths are tackled using distinctive images which feature women in everyday settings to prompt people to keep their judgements in check.
The campaign, is based on creative work by professor Charles Hall, a professor at the VCU Brandcenter in Richmond, Virginia, who devised and created the original groundbreaking advertising campaign in Los Angeles. The revised executions are based on a simple insight and design by Hall and Graham Clifford of Graham Clifford Design.
Outdoor advertising appeared across Scotland for two weeks in October. In addition, over 1,000 campaign packs—postcards, posters and fact sheets—will be distributed across Scotland via regional rape crisis centers, to roll out the campaign locally.
Karen Pfaff/Adrian Hilton/Jennifer Maravillas/Karen Land/Dan Case/Jillian Dresser, art directors; Graham Clifford, design director; Charles Hall, creative director; Julie Cerisse, photographer; Aynsley Law/1 Step 2 Productions/Julie Sanders, Martin Agency, agencies (Scotland campaign).
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