
Theoretical Premise Presentation Rubric
Specified Objectives for Activity
  • Understand the importance of attending and listening to the other person, and portray listening behaviors that demonstrate your understanding.
  • Transfer an understanding of communication fundamentals to the social contexts experienced in everyday life.
  • Understand the axioms of persuasive communication and its principles and ethics.
  • Evaluate the interplay between the persuasive source and the responsive audience.
Point Value: 100

Activity Description
You will be assigned a theoretical premise to present in class. The presentation should show an application of your topic. Application suggestions include artifacts from the media, commercials, magazine ads, spam approaches, public display advertising, anything that attempts to persuade. Apply to your artifact a theory drawn from any of the following:

Ethical Responsibility
Dialogic, Epistemic or Narrative Approaches
Dual Process
Compliance Gaining
Semiotics and Semantics

Outline your presentation. An integrated presentation, meaning some level of technology and produced media, is highly encouraged.

Use your book for initial research and at least two additional outside sources (Wikipedia is not a source) and be sure to site your sources in your presentation. Your outline should also include a source-cited page.

Activity Rubric
The learner executed a cogent presentation on a specific premise of persuasion theory and applied to a viable artifact. 40 points

The learner showed apt understanding of their premise and source material and their artifact upheld the applied premise. 30 points

The learner included at least three sources, a minimum of two drawn from outside research, within their presentation. 15 points

A presentation outline was submitted including sources cited within the presentation.
15 points

Appeals Research Paper Rubric
Specified Objectives for Activity
  • Transfer an understanding of communication fundamentals to the social contexts experienced in everyday life.
  • Recognize the important, meaningful roles that non-spoken behaviors fulfill during our communication interactions.
  • Understand the axioms of persuasive communication and its principles and ethics.
  • Evaluate the interplay between the persuasive source and the responsive audience.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the perceptual process of communication.
Point Value: 200

Activity Description
Demonstrate your intuitive and applied research of topics relating to persuasive appeals in political, theological, or psychological rhetoric. Keeping this narrow and focused will be to your advantage. Decide which area you want to study and look at motivational and/or ideological appeals used to persuade within these contexts. Feel free to use existing artifacts, public messages, any context wherein a persuasive appeal is proffered.

Document your findings, being certain of breadth and depth in sources. Remember, Wikipedia will not be considered a credible source.

Submit your paper by the deadline on the class schedule in APA or MLA format.

Activity Rubric
The learner demonstrates their intuitive and applied research of topics relating to persuasive appeals in political, theological, or psychological rhetoric. 80 points

The learner examines motivational and/or ideological appeals used to persuade within their chosen rhetorical context. 80 points

The learner shows breadth and depth in their scope of research. 20 points

The learner submits their best work in an APA/MLA formatted paper. 20 points

Persuasive Speech Rubric
Specified Objectives for Activity
  • Transfer an understanding of communication fundamentals to the social contexts experienced in everyday life.
  • Understand the axioms of persuasive communication and its principles and ethics.
  • Evaluate the interplay between the persuasive source and the responsive audience.
  • Distinguish between different audiences by correctly analyzing their needs, values, general tendencies, and all ethical considerations applicable to a specific audience.
Point Value: 400

Activity Description
The Persuasive Speech is a rhetorical application of theory where you research and construct an appeal(s), outline an integrated presentation, apply the appeals to your topic germane to the persuasive genre you've decided to use (motivational v. ideological), and present them orally to your peers in this class. You will also design a rubric for your evaluation used by your peer audience.

Activity Rubric
The learner constructs and justifies their appeal and makes pertinent application to either an ideological or motivational approach. 120 points

The learner outlines their presentation siting sources APA style and integrating media to support their propositions. 120 points

The learner presents their integrated presentation to the class. 120 points

The learner constructs, distributes and analyzes an evaluative rubric on their speech. 40 points